Love Tractor is renowned internationally as both art-rock pioneers and founders of the Athens, Georgia post-punk/alternative music scene.
Founded in late 1979, by Armistead Wellford, Mike Richmond, and Mark Cline, their first performance was at 265 Barber St. (known as Pylon Park) in 1980. Releasing six college and alternative chart-topping albums (the first album entirely instrumental) and touring extensively for twelve years, Love tractor took their unique sound to the four corners of the globe.
Each album Love Tractor released was a different musical expression and direction, making their sound difficult for critics to pigeonhole, but rather easy for fans to love.
Releasing albums on DB Records and Bigtime/RCA through the eighties, Love Tractor took a break from touring in 1992. In 1995 they began writing, performing, and recording again finally releasing 2001’s The Sky at Night.
Of all the original early 80’s Athens bands, Love Tractor is the only band still together performing and recording —especially when they have an undeniable urge to speak musically.
If you want to see the original walk of fame, take a stroll down Barber St. There you will find, etched into the west sidewalk, in front of 169 Barber, a tractor with a heart around it — a remnant of the early eighties and of an Athens that was covered in fairy dust, or some say Love and Spiritual Development.