Check out our new office space! ADDA moved to The GameDay Building at 250 West Broad Street, near Pulaski, this spring. This is where the public monthly board meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month from 3-5. These meetings are open to the public.
Here you can see the new sign installation for our new Athens Downtown Development Authority offices right at the gateway to downtown. Having our own space (that we own and not rent) has many advantages. Visibility is one. As the organization who oversees downtown revitalization and its upkeep, we want to have a strong, visible, and accessible presence downtown.
But even more, having this private space now allows ADDA to offer low-interest loans for building rehab; previously we were disqualified from administering this program by state regulations that disallow agencies sharing office space to ensure fiscal security and privacy.
Interested in locating a business in downtown Athens? Check out all the financial incentives by clicking here. And feel free to stop by our new office and visit with staff if you would like to discuss how we can help you be at the city center.
Downtown Athens: It’s all here.